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紧 急 道 路的英文

"紧 急 道 路"怎么读


  • emer gency road
  • "紧"英文翻译    taut; tight
  • "急"英文翻译    impatient; anxious
  • "道"英文翻译    road; way; route; path
  • "路"英文翻译    road; way; path
  • "紧 急 出 口 匝 道" 英文翻译 :    eme rgency escape ramps
  • "紧 急 应 变" 英文翻译 :    emer gency response
  • "紧 急 救 援 车辆管 理" 英文翻译 :    emer gency vehicle management
  • "紧 急 事 故 通 告" 英文翻译 :    emer gency notification
  • "紧 急 事 故处 理 服 务" 英文翻译 :    emer gency management services ems
  • "电 脑 紧 急 应 变 小 组" 英文翻译 :    computer emergency response team
  • "国 际 紧 急 经 济 权 力 法 案" 英文翻译 :    ieepa
  • "急" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(想要马上达到某种目的而激动不安; 着急) impatient; anxious 急功好利 crave instant success and benefit; 急着要出发 be impatient to set out2.(容易发怒; 急躁) irritated; annoyed; nettled 没说上几句话他就急了。 he had not spoken a few words when he got heated. 我没想到他真急了。 i didn't expect him to get angry.3.(迅速而猛烈; 急促) fast; rapid; violent 水流很急。 the current is swift.; it's a strong current. 雨下得正急。 it's raining hard.4.(急迫; 紧急) urgent; pressing 事情很急 , 必须立即处理。 the matter is pressing [urgent] and must be dealt with at once. 他走得很急。 he left in a hurry.Ⅱ名词(紧急的事情) urgency; emergency 当务之急 most urgent task which ought to be carried out at this moment;the urgent task at present; 告急 appeal for emergency help; 应急 meet an emergencyⅢ动词1.(使着急) worry 火车快开了, 他还不来, 实在急人。 it is really exasperating that he has not turned up when the train is about to leave. 你怎么来得这么晚, 真把人急死啦! why are you so late? we were worried to death about you.2.(对大家的事或别人的困难, 赶快帮助) be eager to help 急人之难 be eager to help those in need
  • "紧" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(物体受到几方面的拉力或压力以后呈现的紧张状态) taut; tight 把绳子拉紧 pull the rope taut; 弓弦绷得很紧。 the bowstring is stretched taut.2.(物体受外力作用变得固定或牢固) fast; firm 把螺丝拧紧 tighten the screw; 把门关紧 make the door fast; 紧握手中枪 hold one's gun with a firm grip3.(事物之间非常接近; 空隙极小) close; tight 那两家铺子紧挨着。 the two shops are next to each other. 全国人民团结紧。 the whole nation is closely united. 日程安排得很紧。 the programme is packed. 他住在我的紧隔壁。 he lives right next door to me. 这抽屉太紧了, 我打不开。 the drawer is so tight that i can't open it. 这双鞋我穿太紧了。 these shoes are too tight for me.4.(动作先后密切接连; 事情急迫) urgent; pressing; tense 风刮得很紧。 the wind blows hard. 风声紧。 things are tense. 枪声越来越紧。 the firing got heavier and heavier. 任务紧。 the task is urgent. 时间很紧。 time is pressing. 一个胜利紧接着一个胜利。 one victory followed another in quick succession.5.(严格) strict; stringent 管得紧 exercise strict control; be strict with6.(经济不宽裕; 拮据) hard up; short of money 手头紧 be short of money; be hard up; 银根紧。 money is tight.Ⅱ动词(使紧) tighten 紧螺母 tighten the nut; 紧一紧背包带 tighten the knapsack straps
  • "路" 英文翻译 :    1.(道路) road; way; path 大路 broad road; highway; 公路 highway; 混凝土路 concrete road; 沥青路 asphalt road; 小路 path; trail; 铁路 railway; railroad2.(路程) journey; distance 路很远 a long distance [journey]; 祝你一路顺风! a pleasant journey to you !3.(途径; 门路) way; means 活路儿 a way out; means of livelihood; 财路 source of income4.(条理) sequence; line; logic; method 思路 train of thought; 理路 line of reasoning5.(地区; 方面) region; district; side 外路人 nonlocal people; 外路货 foreign goods6.(路线) route 八路军 the eighth route army; 2 路无轨电车 no. 2 trolley bus; 三路进军 advance along three routes7.(种类; 等次) kind; sort; class; grade 这路人 this kind of person; 同路人 people of the same class [kind]; 一路货 the same sort; birds of a feather; 陌路 stranger8.(姓氏) a surname 路达 lu da
  • "道" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(道路) road; way; route; path 干[便] 道 a main [service] road; 林荫小道 a shady path; 马车道 a wagon road; 铁道 railway; railroad; 羊肠小道 a winding [zigzag] path2.(水流通过的途径) channel; course 河道 river course; 下水道 sewer; 黄河入海有过二十六次改道。 the yellow river changed its course to the sea on 26 occasions.3.(方向; 方法; 道理) way; method 养生之道 the way to keep fit; 以其人之道 , 还治其人之身 deal with a man as he deals with you; pay sb. back in his own coin; 志同道合 cherish the same ideals and follow the same path4.(道德) morals; morality 道义 morality and justice5.(学术或宗教的思想体系; 宇宙万物的本源) doctrine; body of moral teachings; the way of nature which cannot be given a name; principle 传道 propagate doctrines of the ancient sages; preach; 孔孟之道 doctrines [teachings] of confucius and mencius; 尊师重道 honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 得道 (of person) have attained wisdom6.(属于道教的; 道教徒) taoism; taoist 老道 a taoist priest; 一僧一道 a buddhist monk and a taoist priest7.(某些反动的迷信组织) superstitious sect 会道门 superstitious sects and secret societies8.(线条; 细长的痕迹) line 画一条斜道儿 draw a slanting line; 铅笔道 a pencil line9.(身体内的管道) tract 呼吸道 respiratory tract; 胃肠道 gastrointestinal tract10.(技术; 技艺) skill 医道 physician's skill ⑾(姓氏) a surname: 道同 dao tongⅡ量词1.(用于某些长条形的东西; 条) 一道烟 a stream [column] of smoke; 一道气 a jet of gas; 一道光 a streak of light; 万道金光 myriads of golden rays; 一道缝儿 a crack; 一道河 a river2.(用于门、墙等; 重) 两道门 two successive doors; 三道防线 three lines of defence3.(用于命令、题目等) 出五道题 set five questions (for an examination, etc.); 一道命令 an order4.(表示“次”) 上四道菜 serve four courses; 省一道手续 save one step in the processⅢ动词1.(说) say; talk; speak 常言道 as the saying goes; 能说会道 have a glib tongue; have the gift of the gab; 道是无情却有情。 you might say (someone) is cold [unfeeling], but he isn't.2.(以为; 认为) think; suppose 我道是老周呢, 原来是你。 so it's you! i thought it was lao zhou
  • "急hands" 英文翻译 :    nekobukuro
  • "紧,牢固" 英文翻译 :    tight
  • "kad路" 英文翻译 :    kad network
  • "(路)滑的" 英文翻译 :    slippery
  • "迪 路" 英文翻译 :    mike fratello
  • "光程(路)" 英文翻译 :    optical path
  • "街,路" 英文翻译 :    road
  • "开环(路)" 英文翻译 :    open project
  • "路 (手)" 英文翻译 :    bulova
  • "路 (香港)" 英文翻译 :    airport road, hong kong
紧 急 道 路的英文翻译,紧 急 道 路英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译紧 急 道 路,紧 急 道 路的英文意思,緊 急 道 路的英文紧 急 道 路 meaning in English緊 急 道 路的英文紧 急 道 路怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。